Lewis debut Barn Hunt - New Title!
Lewis got 2 legs with a 1st and a 3rd, including a High in Class!…

Trekkie flies - XF title!
"I had a good day at the AKC trial on Friday. Got my first Excellent…

Rosie new PT title....Yay!
Rosie finished her PT yesterday under judge Peggy Richter.

Raif Future Messenger Dog
Raif, after earning his Future Messenger Dog certification and…

Lucy 1st leg for RAE
At the BSCA Nationals Lucy earned her first leg towards her …

Roxie get those sheep...
At BSCA Nationals Roxy passed the Herding Instinct Test. Looks…

Cool Lucy 1st Place in JWW
Lucy earned a first place in JWW at the BSCA National Speci…

Versatile Gilley...
At the BSCA National Specialty Gilley earned her Rally Novice…

Garty Dragon went Reserve Winners Dog!
At the BSCA National Specialty Bogart went Reserve Winners Dog.…