Lucy rocks JWW CPA trial
Last 3 day agility trial (CPA) of the year here in Raleigh. Lucy…

Gilley Q in Advanced Rally
Gilley earned her first Q in AKC Advanced Rally. Gilley also…

New Champion! Ch Blackforest's Bright Star CGC NA NAJ IT
Roxy consistently won the Bred By Exhibitor class and earned…

Colt earns AXJ title!
What a great finish to Colt's first year of competition. On the…

Rocket Rosie! New Lure Coursing Title CA!
No hope of getting Rosie to look away from the other dog that…

Gilley earned 2nd Level 1 Championship RL1X2!
Gilley had some fun this weekend playing at our last WCRL Rally…

Lilly went Select at Downeaster Specialty
Lilly was awarded Select Bitch at Downeaster Specialty in Springfield,…

Roxy WB at Downeaster Specialty
At the Downeaster Specialty in Springfield, MA Roxy was awarded…

Lucy - AOM at Downeaster Specialty
At the Downeaster Specialty in Springfield, MA Lucy earned an…

Colt - New Agility Title AX
Agility trials in Clemson. A Q in Standard gave Colt an AX!!!!!!!!…