Lando earns SWN title and legs in advanced scentwork

8/10 Qs across the two days Finished his novice container and…

Kiera earns SIA SCA SBA advanced Scentwork titles

Kiera had a busy sniffing weekend! The Carolina Piedmont Agility…

Kiera earned SWN title with placements

Kiera earned her scentwork SEN element titles and met the requirements…

Lando earned 2 legs in Barn Hunt and SIN title 1st place

Was a busy weekend for the boy! Did some FEO at the CPA UKI trial…

Roxy and Kiera earned Rally Advanced titles

In August 2024, Roxy and Kiera both competed in virtual Rally…

Kiera earns 2 x Owner Handler Group 2

At the Tarheel Cluster, August 2024, Kiera was awarded twice…

Rat Hunter Lando earned his RATN

Lando earned his Barnhunt Novice title at Teamworks!

New Title - Skye Rally Novice!

I am so pleased, after 4 years away from the ring, to be training…

New Title - Blackforest's Full Tilt aka Skye

Skye made her debut in Novice Jumpers and finished her NAJ title.…

Kiera New Grand Champion Title

At the Lake Lanier Cluster Specialty Show Kiera went three times…