Entries by starkusa

Kiera new Scentwork Title SWA

Kiera was entered in an AKC external only trial. She got 2 first places in novice and also qualified in Advanced. This gave her the exterior element title and her overall Advanced title! She can now add SWA to her name.

Kiera earns SIA SCA SBA advanced Scentwork titles

Kiera had a busy sniffing weekend! The Carolina Piedmont Agility Club put up a great scentwork trial. Kiera earned advanced element titles in buried, container and interior. She needs one more Q in exterior for the overall advanced title.

Kiera earned SWN title with placements

Kiera earned her scentwork SEN element titles and met the requirements for the SWN title (3 qualifying scores in 4 elements). In addition we dived in Advanced level in which she earned 2 Qs in the elements Container and Buried (water) and one in Interior. Unfortunately, our move up to exterior advanced got mishandled and […]

New Title – Skye Rally Novice!

I am so pleased, after 4 years away from the ring, to be training and trialing with my enthusiastic 20-month-old Belgian Sheepdog “Skye”(Blackforests’s Full Tilt). Last weekend she earned her Novice Jumpers agility title and this weekend completed her Novice Rally title with scores of 99 and 100, followed by a score of 97 after […]