Entries by starkusa

Colt earned GO title and 2 RAE legs!

Colt added a GO title (AKC Graduate Open in obedience) to his name this weekend with a 1st place in the class. We also earned two RAE legs in Rally with scores of 100, 100, 99 and 97.

Trekkie Q’d 9/10 runs in CPE

After 3 months of no trials, and a month away from exercise because of a migraine and the flu, I ran Trekkie last weekend at the first local CPE trial of the season. We scored 9/10 Qs. His C-ATCH title is coming soon.

Tikos earns ORT (Nosework)

Tikos passed his ORT this morning. It was a sweet victory as we had some distractions during practice at home this week. We figured out he was looking for our deceased kitty. Good Boy Tikos. Now we work on getting him ready to trial.

Colt earns QQQ in Agility!

Because snow and outdoor agility trials don’t mix, we are staying home today. Yesterday was lovely day in Charlotte with temps in the 50’s. Colt had a triple Q day with 1st in Time to Beat and 2nd place in Masters STD and JWW.

New Title – Roxy earned OA

Today at the agility trial in Sanford Roxy earned her OA title with a 2nd place. The next day she earned her 2nd leg with a 1st place towards her OAJ title. Judge was Brian Brane.

Colt earns first QQ

Colt had fantastic AKC Agility weekend in Sanford NC and visiting with his Mom Lucy and Sister Roxy. His first time out with the big boys in Masters STD and JWW and he gets a QQ and 4th place for both. Day two one bar down in STD but very fast run in JWW and […]

Gilley Q in Starter Novice with 3rd place

Miss Gilley picked up a Q yesterday at the make up CDSP trials from Feb 12th. She earned a 194 in Starter Novice and a 3rd place. Unfortunately, in her first run she decided that staying for her recall was a bogus idea so we NQ’d. I’m glad I was able to put her back […]

Roxy – Select and OH Group 3 in Atlanta

At the Atlanta shows, Februray 2-5, Roxy was awarded Select 3 pt major By breeder judge Linda Robey. Roxy now has the 3 majors required for her Grand Champion. We ended our Show weekend in Atlanta with an Owner Handler Group 3 also under breeder judge Linda Robey. It was a great weekend with many Belgian […]