OHGR Placer GCh MACH4 Blackforest’s® Bright Star CGC RE MXS2 MJS2 CD CAA BCAT RAT IT FMD, BSCA Award: Agility Hall of Fame, 2020AKC Agility Invitationals Finalist
Dam of the D and F Litters
Hips: BSD-4322E24F-PI – Excellent
Ellbows: BSD-EL-1987F24PI – Normal
Eyes: BSD-EYE361/24F-Pl – Normal (10/2020)
CHIC: 116108
AKC DNA #V753026
Embark DNA test: Coat color Kb/Ky ata.
- did not test positive for any of the genetic diseases that Embark screen
- is not a carrier for any of the genetic diseases that Embark tests for.
- September 2015 Potomac Valley Belgian Sheepdog Specialty Roxy earned BOS in Puppy Sweeps 12 – 18 months class. The next day she won the BBE class. She then was WB and BOW for a 5 pt major.
- October 2015 she again was WB for 1 pt.
- December 2015, Forsyth Kennel Club Roxy earned WB and Group 2 in the Bred By Competition.
- 2016 BSCA Nationals Frederick, MD. Roxy was both days Reserve in the BBE class. She also passed the Herding Instinct Test.
- Roxy earned her NA and NAJ title in only 2 trials with 1st placements.
- Roxy finished her Conformation Champion on December 4, 2016 at the Chesapeak Bay Kennel Club Show in Westfriendship MD with a 3 point major going BBE WB and BOW. In the past Roxy consistently won the Bred By Exhibitor class and earned two 5 point majors at BSCA supported entries. So far Roxy ranks # 19 in the US and # 14 in the Owner Handler Group with only 2 shows as special.
- 2017 Roxy was rated Excellent at the DKBS specialty under judge Gunter Althoff in Munich Germany
- 2018 BSCA Nationals 1st place in Brood Bitch. Her daughter Denali won WB and AOM. 2017 Denali went RWB out of the 6 – 9 months puppy class.
- 2019 Roxy earned her MACH and qualified for AKC National Agility Championships 2020 in Perry, GA. A dog needs 7 Double Qs and 550 speed points to qualify. She earned 7 agility titles in Master Level.
- 2020 she earned her Master Gold titles and Jumpers Century title as well as MACH2,
- 2020 AKC Agility Invitational Finalist.
- 2021 Roxy earns MACH3 under judge Zach Davis. 2020 Calendar Year AKC Agility Stats by breed: Roxy ranks #4 in agility.