Phyllis Ensley Photography

Roxy flies and earns 2 Qs in Fast Cat

Roxy tried for the first time lure coursing and had 2 qualifying…

Roxy wins BBE Class and 5 pt. Major

At the Specialty Show and supported entry in Atlanta,  Roxy…

Tikos - New Herding Title PT!

This past weekend Tikos earned his PT at the Pleasant Valley…

Snitch - New title HT (Herding Tested)!

Snitch (B-Litter) earned her HT title at the Pleasant Valley…

Colt - 2nd Exc. Standard Q 2nd place!

Colt is one tired puppy dog after two days of AKC agility. He…

Lucy -Select 5 pts and OHBOB

At the Howard County Fairground Shows (10/15 & 10/16) Lucy…

Colt collects more ribbons CDX title!

Colt earned his CDX this weekend with a 2nd and 3rd placemen…

Lucy - New agility title MX

Lucy earned her Master Excellent title at the October trial in…

Roxy Debut in Agility

Roxy made her debut in agility at the October Youngsville trial.…

Starbuck Qs in CPE Agility Trial.

Starbuck had a great CPE competition. Lots of Qs and entry into…